Trauma and Addiction Recovery Institute L.A.
Who Are We?
We are an innovative intensive outpatient program comprised of a diverse team of trauma and addiction therapists, somatic practitioners, and healers who are focused on staying on the front lines of evolving trauma, addiction, and co-occurring disorders research to bring core education and vital integrated services, interventions and healing to the people we serve.
Why Are We Here?
We are here because addiction is an epidemic.
Because child abuse, violence, and trauma are rampant.
Because trauma-related health crises are pervasive and permeate our lives and society.
Because too many people continue to suffer.
Because we want to do things differently and we want to do them right.
Because we want to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental illness, and we want you to be empowered and become an advocate for your own recovery.
Because enough is enough!

What Do We Do?
We are a trauma-focused center. We believe that some form of trauma is often at the root of addiction.
What sets us apart is that the core of our trauma treatment program is focused on a combination of EMDR and IFS, along with other individualized, trauma-focused approaches. And as a whole, we offer brain-mind-body integrated outpatient services to individuals who are with dealing with addiction, trauma, depression, anxiety, and more.
Intensive Individual Therapy:
EMDR (Eye Movement
Desensitization Reprocessing)
IFS (Internal Family Systems)
SE (Somatic Experiencing)
Sensorimotor Therapy
ART (Accelerated Resolution
NARM (NeuroAffective Relational
CRM (Comprehensive Resource
CPT (Cognitive Processing
TF-CBT (Trauma-Focused
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
TRM (Trauma Resiliecy Model)
PE (Prolonged Exposure Therapy)
ACT (Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy)
and more...
Adjunct Therapies:
Craniosacral Therapy
Animal Therapy
Surf/Ocean Therapy
Service Therapy Programs-volunteer projects through Our GRIT Path
Group Therapy:
Life Skills /Coping
Emotional Regulation
Trauma Recovery and
Addiction Recovery
Relapse Prevention
Systemic and
Intergenerational Trauma
Somatic Experiencing and
Sensation Tracking
Mind-Body Awareness
Attachment & Relational
Understanding ACES and the
function of symptoms
NARM groups
IPNB psychoeducation and
Response Flexibility
Breath Work
Music Narrative groups
Open Process Groups
What Sets Us Apart?
A Core of EMDR & IFS treatment and other evidence-based trauma-focused therapies.
What makes us relevant and different
from other IOPs?
We educate clients on the process and the research in a language they understand so that they are more than passengers in what can too often seem like an abstract therapy process. We provide layman’s education based on science on the whats, the whys, and the hows of the emotional illness/distress they are dealing with and the therapies that affect positive change and healing.
Specific individual therapies will be provided, eg. For those with trauma, they will see a trauma therapist as part of their program-focusing. Trauma therapy protocol options include the most researched evidence based trauma therapies - the top three most researched being EMDR and IFS (bottom up approaches) and CPT (top down approach) along with options such as: SE, CRM, ART, TF-CBT, ART, TRM, Sensorimotor Therapy, Brainspotting. For someone dealing primarily with addiction, they may initially receive more top-down, cognitive-behavioral modalities, relapse prevention support, and individual therapy amidst other integrated services based on their individual history and ACES questionnaire answers and score.
We provide educational groups on the most recent, relevant research, for example: Donna Nakazawa’s book on: ‘Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology”, and we will pull from that by providing all our clients with the ACES questionnaire when they enter our center. This questionnaire measures 10 types of childhood trauma and predicts risk for later adverse health consequences, social and emotional problems, given chronic stress exposure. We will also provide the Resilience Questionnaire (as resilience is the core of what our program is named for and what we want to access and develop in the clients that seek our services). The Resilience Questionnaire gives clients a resilience score.
Adjunct services are also provided as necessary to facilitate the brain-mind-body integrative healing, meaning we go beyond talk therapy to make sure clients are accessing their body and experiential healing as we often heal trauma through bottom-up processing. The services include: Neurofeedback, craniosacral therapy, acupuncture, fitness options, ocean/surf therapy, nature experiences, music narrative therapy, connection with therapy animals, and options to volunteer in our service projects throughout our local community (the Service Therapy portion of our GRIT program), and more.
We educate clients on the way their brains and nervous systems are impacted by trauma, and the ways to heal from the inside out thereby positively affecting mood, emotion regulation, social and familial relationships, self-worth, physical health, and life fulfillment. That is why we provide very specific groups that not only educate, but will also offer mind awareness and emotion regulation skills, body awareness and sensation tracking, life skills, and process groups that allow the client to explore their histories, their present, their relationships, and their stories (‘narratives’), with the goal of forming connections and groups, adapting core negative beliefs, and healing from their old story so that they can tell a new one.
Being of service, practicing gratitude, and working with animals have been shown to combat depression, increase happiness, increase social connection, self-esteem, and more.